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Book #16: Love, Pain and Ecstacy

Author: Rencher, April

Published: 2015

Genre: Erotica, fiction, indie

Rating: R (children, go away)


Synopsis: Sex is inescapable. One does not go through life and grow up to be clueless about its existence. Despite any ignorance or naivety applied, you will have to know. And to be honest, you won’t be able to really stop yourself from trying to find out. It’s curious, interesting, strange, repulsive, disgusting, beautiful—well, you pick your word.

Brooke is the same way. Just like another girl, at a young age she was introduced to the idea through media, older influences and the like, but hearing about it and seeing it on television or on the internet is never enough. She wants to really know, and when the time comes and she’s a hormonal teenager, her real journey with sex begins. Love, Pain and Ecstasy brings a nostalgic vibe that was engaging and definitely descriptive.

It takes you along to grow up with the character and explore the pleasures, pains and curiosities of sex.

With carefully placed words, as a first book LP&E is a start for April Rencher. She has a talent for leading you all the way right until the end, and that is undeniable.


First off, I want to say this is the FIRST book that I’ve done for a request by the author herself! Isn’t that crazy? Authors have been sending me their books and I couldn’t be happier (MAHA GARGASH COMING SOON). Also, this is the author’s first book so I’m proud to say finally writing is taking off thanks to the internet world!!!

Okay, so back to the book.

It’s a bit rough around the edges, but I guess that’s to be expected from a first book. Definitely it’s reminiscent of girls all over the world, more of those who have had sexual encounters and experiences. It kind of takes a retrospective look back into sex and a girl’s discovery of it. A lot of work could be done in terms of grammar, word choice, build-up, etc, but for a first indie book, I definitely see the potential! The hard thing about writing erotica is that a lot of books get overshadowed by the thought of 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James (ugh), but I think April Rencher did things nicely and got past that! Starting the narration from a young age, she includes all the things that little girls are curious about with sex, to the awkward stage of puberty where everything’s happening so fast and hormones are raging, and ultimately to adulthood. Like I said, if you’re in the mood to revisit your sexual past and laugh or love the quirks of it (however it may be), then this book is a good choice. Like I said, it could be brushed up and built better in terms of the plot and planning, plus some changes to words or additions in general. It feels kind of like a rough draft, a blueprint for a future book if you will. But the potential is there, and I wish April the best!

Sour Tsunami Press